Discount Sticker Printing – A new sponsor!

We’ve been exceptionally lucky to receive sponsorship in the form of stickers provided for by Discount Sticker Printing! The fabulous people there have made it possible for us to decorate our car bonnet with a map of of our route to Mongolia, oodles of stickers to hand-out to people, and our team logo to stick to the car doors.


Bananas for scale. The idea is we can Sharpie on our route as we journey and show the locals how far we’ve come. Pretty awesome.

We’ve also been gifted a big spool of stickers to help bring lots of attention to ourselves online (not like us at all).


More laptop decor.


We’re eagerly awaiting our transparent stickers so we can apply them to our car doors, boot, jerry cans,  and anywhere else we can think of.

A special shout out to Jodie who worked with us patiently throughout this whole process.

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